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Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

Zimmy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 09:11

I bought the Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System about 2 years ago here in Jakarta, Indonesia. It seemed to play most of the black market DVDs for awhile. Now, it only plays about 10% of the DVDs I buy. How do I determine if its a hacking or chipping issue or something else? If I decide it needs to be hacked or chipped where do I do it and how much will it cost? I`m thinking about buying a cheap DVD player that is really multi-region and then connecting it to the 6 speaker system. Can I do that? In case I decide to chuck this system altogether, can folks recommend a good home theater system that also sounds excellent when playing CDs? To be honest, the Sony system is great for movies (when it actually plays them), but medicocre for music. Any opinions on the Bose 3-2-1 system?? Thanks for your ideas/suggestions.

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

Paris (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 13:22

Try this and post your results..

* Put the player into Standby mode
* Press 1 and Return on remote for region 1, 2 and Return for region 2, and so on. Use 0 and Return to return player to default region settings
* Press P-Mode and Return to play DVD`s with the selected region, auto-switching is Off
* Press Audio and Return for auto-switching On
* Press Angle and Return for MacroVision On
* Press Subtitle and Return for MacroVision Off

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Home Theater System - Queries

Zimmy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 11:24

Dear PARIS: I wrote your instructions down and sat in front of my Sony system for awhile. I must be missing something - I couldn`t even figure out how to put the player in Standby mode. Can you possibly revise your instructions for someone with a pea-sized brain like me? By the way, what exactly am I trying to accomplish by following these instructions? Is this supposed to make it more DVD friendly? As I mentioned before, it ts supposed to be multi-region already and I actually had pretty good results in the early days. Thanks. Zimmy

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