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Panasonic hack

1sparkie (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 25th February 2005, 22:04

hey all
I`m new have a Panasonic Home Cinema "sa-ht900" have been looking through loads of sites trying to find a way of playing multi region dvd seams i bought the maker that cant be hacked any one help me?

RE: Panasonic hack

Justybabes (Competent) posted this on Monday, 28th February 2005, 22:07

Sorry there are no "free" hacks for this or other Panasonics, its always best to buy these systems pre-modded if possible, otherwise you`ll have to pay to have it modded once you`ve bought it R2.


RE: Panasonic hack

IN (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 6th March 2005, 12:53

This player is upgraded by the panasonic service DVD that is used in 99% of Panasonics dvd players.
If you need more help, email me


RE: Panasonic hack

Justybabes (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th March 2005, 00:16

Err, no it isn`t! Panasonic Service disc`s only work on pre-2001 models! This model requires a special factory remote to be modified....

RE: Panasonic hack

Warner (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 30th April 2005, 20:38

Would you know where I can rent/buy a handset/modded for a Panasonic MDR-E80H region 1 but I have a lot of region 2 DVD`s. I live in Texas, USA? I hope you can help me, I just can`t buy the new Panasonic MDR-E85H at this time.

b warner

RE: Panasonic hack

Justybabes (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th May 2005, 19:26

Sorry to say but its pointless modding a R1 NTSC panasonic if you want to watch PAL R2 discs. Thats because your machine is NTSC only. You need a dual format (PAL&NTSC) version for true multiregion playback which are usually European (R2), Austrailian (R4) and Asian (R3) models. The mod will still work on a NTSC R1 machine, but if you pop a PAL R2 disc in (Not a JAP NTSC R2 disc) the machine will say unsupported disc / cannot play this type of disc - thats not a region code error, but a unsupported disc error.

Only way round it is to buy a different brand in the US that is NTSC/PAL (such as JVC) or import a European / Australian dual format player.

RE: Panasonic hack

Melt71 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th May 2005, 19:33

Is this the same for the Panasonic XV10 ? I have searched through previous threds and see that www.modchips......are now out of business, anyone know if there is a remote hack, or a disc i can get that will upgrade me to first class? (multi region!)

RE: Panasonic hack

Justybabes (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th May 2005, 23:54

Same for any NTSC panasonic. If a player isn`t PAL compatible then it won`t play PAL discs once modified! As for mods, stick to dealers whom specialise in this field for years. Quick google search will help for this machine...

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