Page 1 of toshiba SD-130E hack wanted

Hack Help Forum

toshiba SD-130E hack wanted

gordon meldrum (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th March 2005, 09:55

hi guys, any body found any info or got a hack for SD-130E,many thanks, please could you e mail ,bognodrog[at]moc.liamtoh ,cheers gordon

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th March 2005, 10:10

RE: toshiba SD-130E hack wanted

tribute (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 25th March 2005, 15:09

Did you try these procedures for other Toshiba SD-1x0E or SD-x30E players?

Mainly, the procedure for SD-220E was used for those families. You can try this link;

and follow the procedure written in;
- Region code hack posted by Jez Bown, January 04 2003

and you need to burn CD.

Good luck.

You also have the procedure for Toshiba SD240E

tribute (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 25th March 2005, 15:15

You can try these procedure using remote (handset);

These are for Toshiba SD240E, but it`s need no money. I think there is worth to try it.

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