Page 1 of S-VIDEO

Hack Help Forum


albini13 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2001, 00:41


I`ve been told that linking your DVD player to your TV with a scart socket is good quality, but linking scart and S-VIDEO is even better is this true ?




Giz (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2001, 12:54

SCART is simply a type of socket for the end of a cable that can carry a number of different types of video signal. In the gererally accepted order of best to worst;

1) RGB
2) S-Video
3) Composite

Composite is the worst signal type and most of the free SCART leads you get with a TV will only carry composite signals. There isn`t too much difference between RGB & S-Video, but it`s generally accepted that RBG is better (but some people on some teley`s believe that S-Video is better - if in doubt try it and see).

If your SCART lead is fully wirted - i.e. every pin on the socket is connect through then the lead can carry any one of these 3 signals. You will need to ensure that your DVD can output the signal you want, as well as ensuring that your TV can receive it. Because of the different wirings TV`s often have an RBG SCART socket and a S-Video SCART socket - ensure that you plug the lead in the the correct socket for the type of signal you wish to use.

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