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DVD Software (Region Hack) for laptop

SJBRIGHT (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th July 2001, 18:08


Currently using Mediamatics DVD Express (IBM) software on my laptop,
It allows me to change region 5 times and then sticks with last used , Does anyone know how I can set this to region free or set up some hack.

Laptop is an IBM T20 Thinkpad (Mediamatics DVD Express)

Thanks in advance


RE: DVD Software (Region Hack) for laptop

almonde (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th July 2001, 18:44


I too have a laptop, it has a Toshiba SD-C2402 DVD drive. Is you drive RCP1 or RCP2, ie: is it region free?
Tou can check this at where you can download a very small prog to test this, if it is region locked then you can download new firmware.

I am now assuming you have a region free drive, now go to or search the web for a program called DVD Genie, this takes the region protection away from windows and DVD software, i think ver. 4.02 is the latest. It is freeware and great!

BTW i would use a program that uses the Cinemaster codec or Power DVD. I too got bundled the mediamatics software but found playback unreliable compared to other players.

Hope this helps


RE: DVD Software (Region Hack) for laptop

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 09:25

Try Zone Selector:

Or the home site

My next toy is going to be a laptop with a DVD player - great choice.

RE: DVD Software (Region Hack) for laptop

almonde (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 09:45

I checked out this program, correct me if i`m wrong but isn`t this just for MPEGII cards or DVD cards as the creator of the site calls them. Where as DVD Genie is for Software based players, which is what Stephen or any laptop owner (inc. myself) is using.


RE: DVD Software (Region Hack) for laptop

levitt (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 17:10


I have the Toshiba SD-C2502 drive which is region locked. I have downloaded the correct firmware as per cdvdinfo program showed, if I install this, do you know if it will work with a program such as dvd genie?



RE: DVD Software (Region Hack) for laptop

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th July 2001, 13:54

I don`t own a laptop - I was not aware they didn`t need MPEG cards. Hey, you learn something new every day. Still, you didn`t metion that in your original post.

RE: DVD Software (Region Hack) for laptop

almonde (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 10:51

It worked for me, remember to use the basic DOS interface, (not MS_DOS) as the computer cannot be allowed to crash during the flashing process.

Be sure you have downloaded a patched firmware version and not just the original manufacturers firmware. The .hex file will often have a slightly different name to distinguish it, eg: 1J09.hex becomes XJ09.hex

Yep once the lock is gone, DVD genie will allow you to play all six regions.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 10:59

RE: DVD Software (Region Hack) for laptop

almonde (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 10:54

Grunt Boy

No computer needs an MPEG card, providing it has a capable CPU, at least a PII 400. Although to have hardware decoding is always better.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 10:56

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