Page 1 of Macro Hack for an Alba 104 (Apart from Sonel)

Hack Help Forum

Macro Hack for an Alba 104 (Apart from Sonel)

ADW (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 11:48

Anybody know where 2 get 1 or if there is one?

RE: Macro Hack for an Alba 104 (Apart from Sonel)

Stoney (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 09:57

ADW m8,

Iv just bought a ALBA 104, iv been readingyour posts and you mentioned built in games? how do i access these and do you have any other tips? some people mentioned that 104 has DD built in, this is not the case. I bought mine from Argos for £99. Also do u know wots the diff between this new 104 and113?


RE: Macro Hack for an Alba 104 (Apart from Sonel)

golgotha (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 19:29

i originally brought the alba 113 but took it back and got it replaced with a 104
the 113 doesnt allow vcd/svcd/mp wheres as the 104 does .apart from a slightly better build quality nothing is to different

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