Page 1 of Schneider 855 and RCE Titles

Hack Help Forum

Schneider 855 and RCE Titles

Christopher Jeffery (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th November 2001, 17:33

Does anyone know if this model will play Rce Titles and if there are any problems on them.


RE: Schneider 855 and RCE Titles

bigp (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th November 2001, 02:01

Plays THe Patriot R1 fine and it`s RCE. Haven`t heard of any others not playin. Have you had lip sync probs? And can u post the web-site address for Schneider?

RE: Schneider 855 and RCE Titles

rich griffiths (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 00:14

i have the same prob with mine,it seems to start of ok then the counter starts to skip and the sync goes,but if i skip through it doesent do it,strange?
i tested it with mummy returns (an original one)
also had somebreakup on a few dvds.


RE: Schneider 855 and RCE Titles

mr taffy (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 13:55

the web add of schnider is
but the site aint up to much.

RE: Schneider 855 and RCE Titles

bigp (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 02:30

I tried Something About Mary on this machine also and never got any lip-snyc probs.

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