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Page 1 of SONY RDR HXD 1065

Hack Help Forum


voltaire51 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd January 2007, 08:04

This is a new SONY machine that`s come to me region 2. I have tried using the SONY 500 hack as given on page 77 but have succeeded only in creating a mess. I now have a remote set (I think) to Command mode DVD3 and a player set to DVD1, so they`re not talking.

Can someone please tell me how to return the player to DVD1 if all else fails?

And equally will they explain what and where, on point 7 of the Hack, is the "option for the Command-Mode switch, under the sliding cover". What sliding cover? Where is it? It doesn`t figure on the remote I have.

Much gratitude!


Hitchcock`sGhost (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2007, 02:03

Hi Voltaire,

I had this exact problem for my Sony RDRHX725. I changed the command mode and my remote wouldn`t work! I wouldnt hold your breath waiting on a response on these forums. I posted my question on 10th Jan and yup: 0 replies.

I have still not been able to hack my player following the Sony 500 hack and had no response!

Anyway, i assume most Sony`s operate in the same way. I was panicking because i have nearly 160gb of material on mine which could not be accessed!!

Hold ENTER on Sony Remote and try either 1, 2 or 3 for the relevant command mode.
Hope that solves your problem.


sixtiesman (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st February 2007, 21:55

I am thinking of buying one of these and I would be grateful if you could tell me:

the difference between the hxd1065 and the hxd860

also, is it possible to just link a VHS deck to it and copy the contents of the VHS tape to a DVD

thanks in advance


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