Page 1 of How do you know if it worked? Philips DVD622

Hack Help Forum

How do you know if it worked? Philips DVD622

Andy14 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 14th December 2001, 13:34

After using the Philips DVD750 hack how do u know that it has worked. also does it just set it to no region? what about these new dvds that are out that look for the specific region code of the player?

RE: How do you know if it worked? Philips DVD622

Lostboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 15th December 2001, 01:28

The ONLY way you know is if you try an R1 disk!!! and the disk thing you were talking about is RCE (REGION CODE ENHANCEMENT) this is a thing that WARNER and a couple of other dist have put on to their R1 disks that stop "REGION FREE" players playing them. BUT if you have a multi region player then it SHOULD be ok!

Any probs please let me knoe.


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