Page 1 of PHILLIPS 622 DVD - Problems with flickering Picture

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PHILLIPS 622 DVD - Problems with flickering Picture

Dove3066 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 31st December 2001, 11:26

Can anyone throw some light on this:

I have input the multi-region Hack and everthing seemed fine, but on playing a region 1 disc the picture flickers showing 3 versions - almost as if the horizontal hold has gone . Any ideas what I have done !! thanks

RE: PHILLIPS 622 DVD - Problems with flickering Picture

wonder (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st December 2001, 11:57

it sounds like your tv is not american ntsc compatible

RE: PHILLIPS 622 DVD - Problems with flickering Picture

Dove3066 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 31st December 2001, 15:38

thanks for that- is the only solution therefore to buy a new TV!!

RE: PHILLIPS 622 DVD - Problems with flickering Picture

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 31st December 2001, 19:42

>"thanks for that- is the only solution therefore to buy a new TV!!"

Try going into the "System Menu" and make sure PAL is selected, not AUTO.
Power off the player after selection, then back on.

Dunno if it`s gonna work or not, as I aint got a O4A remote yet, so cant do the hack on mine :o/

RE: PHILLIPS 622 DVD - Problems with flickering Picture

Dove3066 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd January 2002, 12:23

Thanks I`ve checked and it is all set to PAL and I have now changed the DVD to PAL but with no luck.

Can anyone assist??

RE: PHILLIPS 622 DVD - Problems with flickering Picture

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd January 2002, 18:31

Well, thats wierd!
I have mine set to PAL, my TV is definitely *not* NTSC compatible, and although the picture flickers slightly (black areas only), it works fine.

*Finally* been able to access the R1 ID4 Independence Day easter egg <g> wasn`t worth the wait! Lol

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