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thomson region hack

baldeagle (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th February 2002, 22:58

when i have performed the region hack is there a chance that the player will stick in one region only after a while. and is No 9 making the player multi region or just able to play region free discs

RE: thomson region hack

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th February 2002, 09:19

No, there`s no chance whatsoever.

No.9 is fully multi region - it will play all discs including R1 RCE titles.


RE: thomson region hack

baldeagle (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th February 2002, 09:32

thanx mike for that i will give it a go later today

RE: thomson region hack

Robertson (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 13th April 2002, 15:40

Mike I note from these pages that you seem to know quite a lot about Thomson DVDs. I have a Thomson DTH 4000 and cannot get the hack to work at all . I follow all the steps to the letter and the message I keep getting is this disk cannot be played. On the TV it shows NO DISC. My remote does have a repeat button written on it and I have used this button to no avail. What happens when I power it off is that when it is switched back on I have to power up from the standby button. Is this right. Haaave you an idiots guide to a successful hack for this machine. Should I be processing the machine to Region 2 or as a 9 to make it region free? Any help will be welcomed.

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