Page 1 of Grundig GDV-130 codefree via remote control?

Hack Help Forum

Grundig GDV-130 codefree via remote control?

OliBoe (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 18th November 2000, 16:05


is there a remote control combination for the new Grundig GDV-130 DVD-Player?

RE: Grundig GDV-130 codefree via remote control?

garoto (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 11th January 2001, 22:37

Hello OliBoe

yes there is.................

How to change Region Codes

Region code setting

1. open tray
2. press SETUP "n", "2", "0", "0" ,"0" STEP SHUFFLE NEXT
(region "n" is written to EEPROM)
"n" is region code ID 1 to 6 ( 9 is BYPASS !!!!)

3.How to confirm reginal code status?
1. keep tray open / setup menu state
Secret menu (with current Region ID) will be displayed
Note: In secret menu, region code can not be changed

a friend from germany

RE: Grundig GDV-130 codefree via remote control?

titti (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 26th January 2001, 14:10

The region code changing works well but I don`t know how many times I can change the code, is there a limit????
Thank you in advance!!!

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