Page 1 of In here Jimbo:p

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In here Jimbo:p

slim (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 13:34

Lo m8,

Hows it hangin?

Righty just a few questions for ya d00d..

1) Does the aiwa play Mp3`s..?
2) has it got a scart socket on it-if so how many?
3) What the hell is a RCE disk..? (yah im a newbie) LOL
IF ya dont ask ya dont get to know :p

And is there a webby address i can visit to have a look at this Mmmmarvellous player : )

And tingz still goin great guns wif me LG3200E : )

L8r d00d


RE: In here Jimbo:p

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 20:52

>"Lo m8,

Hows it hangin?"

Hi slim.

Not 3 bad! :o)

>"1) Does the aiwa play Mp3`s..?" Yep!
>"2) has it got a scart socket on it-if so how many?" One, with 3 phono too
>"3) What the hell is a RCE disk..? (yah im a newbie) LOL" no probs mate. Regional Code Enhancement.. anti region coding that looks for the layers region before playing the disc, if it matches the one on the disc, playback continues, if not..error messages! :o(
(The Patriot being the current RCE test disc)
I`m happy to say, however, that it has been tested with the Aiwa and played perfectly (apparently).

You can see a piccy of the delicious Aiwa on the Hack pages here at DVD reviewer..failing that, mail me and I`ll send ya one!

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 20:54

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