Page 1 of Not DVDbut SKy Digital problem
Hardware Forum
Not DVDbut SKy Digital problem
Ive got a grundig box and my sky active ``press the red button`` thing works for two weeks then does not work for about 3 weeks then comes back on. Anyone else got or had this problem?
I have had problems similar to this on several occasions with our Pace digi-box . I usually did a Reset by doing the following.
1 ) Unplugging the box from the mains (or remove/replace lead at back of machine if that`s easier)
2 ) Pressing and holding the back-up button on the box
3 ) Switching back on and holding the back-up button until you get a message on screen telling you that the software update is in progress and basically wait for anything between 5-15 minutes.
Our box is one of the earliest boxes and as such is incredibly slow compared to modern boxes but that is just like PC`s they are out of date by the time you buy them .
RE: Not DVDbut SKy Digital problem
Thanks it worked.