Page 1 of Limit multiregion player from Richer Sounds. Any good ?

Hardware Forum

Limit multiregion player from Richer Sounds. Any good ?

sakers (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 19:51

I am looking for a DVD player with MP3 playback. I was going to get an LG 3350e model but I can`t get one at a decent price before Xmas.

On the off chance I rang Richer Sounds and they recommend a Limit player for £200 with multi-region, MP3 and Macrovision defeater.

Does anyone know this model and is it any good ? How does it compare with the LG model mentioned above.



RE: Limit multiregion player from Richer Sounds. Any good ?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 19:57

NO, I`ve had one and it`s CRAP!
And the Macro is STILL enabled they told me it was defeated too!!

It doesn`t drop to Pal, so ya gotta have S-vid on the TV or black and white R1`s with mega jerkiness!!

For £199 you can get an Aiwa 370 which is FAR suprerior, and as far as I know the Limit doesn`t do MP3, just CDR.

If ya wanna go for the Aiwa, Comet are £199.99, but I have a supplier guaranteeing multi region through new software and delivered at £199 (or £189 if you`re in London and can collect from him.)
If you want his details, email me.
if ya wanna see the Aiwa :

It`s an LG 3350 with no on board Dolby decoder and VCD playback enabled. It`s SUPA!

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!

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