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Hardware Forum

Philips 890 dvd recorder

crack (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th December 2002, 06:02

Hi guy`s
Need some help.Got my turntable connected to my philips 890 but it won`t record.Any reason why not.Use the DVD+R.Turntable has got a built in amp.


RE: Philips 890 dvd recorder

ML (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th December 2002, 16:54

I`m not sure but don`t turntables need a special pre-amp stage to get the output upto the required signal level? That may only apply to certain types of cartridges though.

The other thing is turntable grounding - did you connect up the grounding cable? Not sure if this would have had an affect.

I`ll try it on my 890 over the next couple of days and let you know.


RE: Philips 890 dvd recorder

crack (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th December 2002, 06:33

Thanks for your quik reply.Yes please let me know.

Many thanks Crack

RE: Philips 890 dvd recorder

ML (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th January 2003, 11:06


Bit of a slow response on this but, in order to get the recorder to pick up the turntable sound, you also need a video input signal - even if it is just of a black screen. This is because you are still recording in DVD-Video format and the recorder locks onto the frame information received through the video input.

You could just have a paused picture as the video input (from a camcorder/VHS) and then use the L/R channels for the record deck. That should work, provided the output from the turntable is from a MM cartridge and not a MC cartridge (which would require a further pre-amp stage - or was that the other way round? *8-) ).

Hope this helps.


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