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Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

NicktheNorse (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th December 2002, 16:26

for those owners of mico diamante 3000s Mico have just released the update disc for it - it will be sent to the service center in wales in a couple days. they sent one cd directly to my hosue though - should arrive on the 27th. problem is i took my diamante 3000back and exchanged it for a Clasica 20..... so, question is, should i bring the clasica back and re-exchange it for the diamante??

Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

Naga (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th December 2002, 21:16

hi hello

i have been given the mico diamante 3000 as a prezi

so i was wondering wer or how can i get it 2 play VCD

n e chance or send me the cd or postin it up on a FTP site

Pls Mail me with any idea`s


RE: Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

Bertie Bassett (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th December 2002, 12:52

Hi Nick...
I have the Mico Diamante 3000 and have the same problem.
Can u send me a copy of the cd ( I will refund any costs incurred) or tell me how to get my machine to play VCD.
It seems a shame to take it back as its such a neat machine.
Please help.
Thanx in advance
Bertie Bassett

VCD update for Diamante 3000

Naga (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th December 2002, 16:14

hello can n e 1 help

i need the VCD update cd

how can i get it 2 play vcd`s

Nagz pls com back 2 me

RE: Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

llamedos (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th December 2002, 13:35

If anyone gets the update cd could you please post whether this update allows SVCD disc to be played as well as VCD discs.

RE: Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

Dilbert11 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th December 2002, 18:27

Hi There

I have just got myself a Diamante and am really happy with it, Mico are sending me the VCD update when they get it.

NicktheNorse, I orginally had a Clasica 20 but had to take it back (it would not load DVDs properly). So far I am more impressed with the Diamante.

I can`t tell any difference in the picture quality (my eyes are not that good anyway :-) ). I prefer the menu layout and the remote seems more effective, I had to stab at the Clasica 20`s remote.

However, the Clasica 20 had better sound quality, in my opinion.

I would say get the Diamante.

Hope this helps.


RE: Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

johnydeath (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th December 2002, 19:30


did Mico give an indication on whether this required formal upgrade by an engineer at cost, or was a user freebie once you had the disk/code?
I notice the code was not on the download part of the site hence the question.


RE: Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

ant500 (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 22:14

Power up with no disc, enter 2812 and the Hidden menu appears.

The items available are:
1) Region 0 GLOBAL

2) Default ENGLISH

4) Micro Version NV1.15E N010+

5) Customer Version DIAMANTA3000 V1.0

6) Load Vendor ID 9929D04E

7) Load Product ID 59V1.500P2819B77

8) Rating Level PSW 7890

RE: Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

HardCase (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 30th December 2002, 12:14

Hi, I Have just got a mico diamante 3000 for xmas and i was wondering if you could send me a copy of the update disk i would refund any posting costs could someone please e-mail me at annod.lihp[at]moc.dlrowltn if they will send me a copy or if they can`t can they at least tell me were to get hold of one of these disks thanks

RE: Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

Dilbert11 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 30th December 2002, 12:24

Hi HardCase, I can`t remember the number, but if you look on the box your player came in the number for Mico is there.

Hope this helps.


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