Page 1 of Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

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Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 15:40

I posted in here the other day about the little pixelated squares that are intermitantly flashing on my screen during the watching of ALL my DVD`s. I have tried all the different ways you can to connect a DVD to a TV as well:) Still does it with them all.

I managed to get Dixons to take the old one and exchange it for a new one, same make etc. This was fine without the packaging because it was a simple case of just removing one from a box and putting mine in and then they have a box to send it back.
Hope you are still with me so far.:)

The bad news is it`s still doing it with the replacement, what am i going to do?.

Ok, the original DVD player cost £330 (a Phillips MX8500D home theatre system, these really have got beatuful sound) was purchased on the 24th Dec 2002, but we have thrown out the box (i know, i know, It was thrown out with all the xmas packaging) I do not want to put up with this for that kind of money.

I actually don`t want a refund, i will take another player (not this model though) pay any difference etc. Do i have any options now i no longer have the packaging?

Need help on this guys :)

Many thx


RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 15:44

could you try calling the manufacturer or take to another dixons branch?

RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 17:12

Phone Trading Standards and they will advise you on what to do about the situation. But even though you haven`t got the original box you are still entitled to a complete refund or to exchange your player for another as the whole batch of them seems to be faulty.
Don`t let them fill your head with rubbish... you are within your rights.

If they tell you they won`t, then ask to speak to the manager, and if he declines then tell him you would like to contact Trading Standards and he should then back down.

Hope this helps,
Adam Walby.

This item was edited on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 17:14

RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 18:10

Thank you for the replys.

I can`t believe that this could happen to both players:(
As you say, it may be a bad batch, or...something, im really lost on this one.
Guess i`ll ask in store tomorrow and see what occurs.


RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

Nikon (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 21:26

They cannot expect you to save packing especially if you have no room to store it along with the boxes for your TV, iron, kettle, fitted kitchen and all the other christmas presents. Take it back with several of your disks that it will not play and pick a time when the store is full even if it means waiting a while. They will try and give you a phone number to call saying it is down to the manufacturer or Mastercare not them, even sometimes saying that this is what they need to do in law. You will need to be firm and tell them that it`s not acceptable and they must sort it out. Some Currys superstores have a service department in the showroom so you could take it there and get them to test it while you wait and then get them to sort it out. Good luck and dont give in or be afraid to raise your voice slightly if the need arises.


RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th December 2002, 12:08

Hi again
Just spoke to the manager by phone, he says he wants to test it (no problem with that) He will have to watch the whole film :) it may happen after 10 mins or not for an hour:)
He also says that because there is no packaging he will only replace like for like. This is the 2nd unit i have tried, i don`t want this model.

Upshot is, i told him i am speaking with trading standards, i will ring them tomorrow (sunday today) i`ll let you know what happens.


RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

numskull (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th December 2002, 12:51

Go to the store with the player now and start to make the biggest fuss of your life. Dixons are well known for "hoodwinking" their customers (punters as they call them) to insure that they keep your money. They are not cheap, their warranties are a total rip-off and, as in your experience, their customer service is totally non-existent. This business of "testing" the equipment is bull and designed to put you off from returning it - do you want to hang around in the store for an hour? Of couse not! Ignore this from him. Demand a full refund and make sure you don`t leave the store without it. Then go to Richer Sounds, buy a multi region DVD player from them for say £140 (or less), a full 5 speaker package for £100 and say a Yamaha 5.1 DD receiver with 60 WPC for £140 = £380... and enjoy a cup of coffee for free They`ll probably throw-in speaker cable FOC too! The sound will blow your Philips out of the water and the picture quality will be excellent. I really do wish that more people would wake up and realise that the DRG stores are just awful and expensive too.

RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 29th December 2002, 14:13


Stories like this get me soooooo angry. I could go on for ages about different consumer laws, that I am sure would bore you to tears.

Briefly: The player was bought on the 24th December this year, it is an expensive, high end product that you would expect to work exactly for the purpose that it was intended. Packaging or no packaging YOU ARE fully entitled to a complete refund, especially with it being less that a month since you bought the player. Do not let them fob you off with rubbish about "company policy". Company policies do not overrule consumer laws. Be firm but polite in asking for a full refund. If they fob you off and re-direct you to the manufacturer remind them that when you bought the player off them they entered into a contract with you and it is their responsibiltiy that you get a piece of equipment that is fit for purpose.

Just make sure you have your receipt!!!

Get your money back and get a player from Richer Sounds, any problems let us know.


RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 30th December 2002, 22:37

All sorted,
Had a chat with Trading Standards today, soon as i mentioned that to the manager he came over all funny :)

Picked up another system (sony)

Everything is good in the world again.

Cheers for the support, it does help ;)


RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th December 2002, 22:49

dixons managers and the words trading standards mix very well, i think i may have to use that tomorrow, bloody HP!

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