Page 1 of BUSH 2023 - pic prob??

Hardware Forum

BUSH 2023 - pic prob??

making (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 17:23


I`m new here and wonder if you guys can offer some advice?

I recently brought a Bush 2023 and a Samsung 24" WSTV, when playing DVD`s (the problem isnt so apparent on normal TV viewing) any bright spots amongst a dark background diffuse across the screen as a faint bright line. I`ve tried a new scart lead and altered contrast etc but no joy.

I am awaiting a visit from the engineers but just wondered what this was so I wont sound to stupid when asked? I guess its some brightness setting or something within the TV or DVD player - any ideas?

Any help gratefully recieved,


RE: BUSH 2023 - pic prob??

Petey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 18:30

I have a Goodmans 134 which is basically the same as the Bush 2023 (which I have also tried), I have a similar problem when my DVD player is set to output an NTSC signal (the same on the Bush 2023 I tried). Instead of a faint bright line, I get a dark line across the screen.

I ended up putting it down to the quality of the software on the DVD player, my previous players and consoles are okay.

I know this doesn`t help you, but at least it lets you know you aren`t alone. Let us know what the engineer says!


RE: BUSH 2023 - pic prob??

making (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 20:25


Dont think i`ve got mine on NTSC output, which I guess is Region 1 ? Only play region 2 at present.

I just hope its not a known fault with no cure, the player itself is a lovely looker and apart from this the image quality is superb for a £80 rig - I`ll post any outcome when (!) the engineers get back to me.


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