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best way to to this

fw600vj (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th February 2003, 17:03

Hi a bit of info needed what is the best option to record to d.v.d. , i want to put my paris dakar video tapes onto d.v.d. .I will be getting my philips 880r next week .1 would it be better to record on to a d.v.d.r.w. and then to a d.v.d.r as i will want to edit out the bits i dont want on the tapes. adverts etc .2 does the 880r have an insert edit feature where all the stoping and starting will not be noticeable with picture breakup. Any help would be great,thanks fw600vj

RE: best way to to this

zipman (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th February 2003, 19:48


You can record to +RW, providing your tapes have no copyright protection. There is then a feature where you insert markers. To do this you pause the +RW recording at the start of the advert, go into edit and press insert marker. You then do this again when the advert finishes. So you get a marker at the start and end of the adverts. You then go back into edit and make chapter hidden between these two markers.

When playing back the recording will skip seemlessly past the hidden chapter as if it wasnt there. You will have to do this for all adverts. A bit of a chore though, or you can just pause the old fashioned way when you know the adverts are coming etc.

To then copy to a +R simply make the edits you`ve made compatible in the menu screen and these will be copied "hidden" to your write once disc.

Best of luck.

RE: best way to to this

fw600vj (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th February 2003, 21:29

Hi zipman thanks for the info i was not sure about the features on the d.v.d. recorder so you have helped a great deal thanks again.fw600vj

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