Page 1 of Matsui dvd120 screen positioning problems

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Matsui dvd120 screen positioning problems

Jonty (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 20:43

I got the player last month and the first thing i noticed is that the picture went off the right side of the screen (16:9). This became increasingly anoying as I watched various titles, all slightly off centre. I tried the player on a 4:3 TV and still the same problem.

I took the player back to Currys who couldn`t fix it so gave me a new one. Still the picture went off the side of the screen.

Anyone else had any similar problems with the 120? If i can`t fix it it`s going back perminantly!


RE: Matsui dvd120 screen positioning problems

rollneck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th January 2001, 12:21

My Matsui did it to the left. My 750 also does it. I think it`s the telly. Which one have you got.

RE: Matsui dvd120 screen positioning problems

Jonty (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th January 2001, 23:25

I`ve got a Sony 32" 16:9 TV, don`t know what model. I`ve kinda fixed the problem anyway.

The player has an RGB or Composite Video output switch on the back, i changed this to RBG and set the tv to RGB also and the picture moved over to the left. It`s still slightly off centre, but more bareable that what it was like before.

Thanks for your reply,


RE: Matsui dvd120 screen positioning problems

Dean Garraghty (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th January 2001, 20:20

The old Matsui 110 does this too. Very noticable on R1 4:3 discs, when the titles show they are way over to the left.You can adjust the settings on your TV to correct it.

RE: Matsui dvd120 screen positioning problems

rollneck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 13:38

How can you adjust the TV to overcome this?


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