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how could you tell...........

fw600vj (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th July 2003, 20:26

I know this is probably a stupid question but how could you tell if you mixed up the plus and minus wires on your speakers i.e the minus on your amp to plus on speaker and the plus on your amp to the minus on the speaker would it be so noticeble assuming both speakers were connected the same way.anyone any ideas.fw600vj :/

RE: how could you tell...........

Saffa (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th July 2003, 21:35

Hi, I traced my speak cables by simply looking at the writing on the cable (if there is). The writing tends to only be on one `copper core`.
+ equals writing which goes to +
- equals no writing which goes to -


RE: how could you tell...........

Paull (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th July 2003, 21:40

If both were wired the same then no problem, if one is wired the oposite the speakers will be out of phase & so will not sound as good as in phase.

RE: how could you tell...........

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th July 2003, 09:33

If there is no writing there may be a very slight ridge on one of the wires.

Or put one end in to a live mains socket and touch the other with your tonge. If you get a bolt, bingo :D (to cover my self legaly: Do not do the one with the mains as it may result in death all though if you were as stupid as to try it you deserve to die)

You can not legistate for stupidity.

All the best and happy + & - hunting,

The 42%er.

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