Page 1 of Lenoxx HT600 - Potential Issues / Problems

Hardware Forum

Lenoxx HT600 - Potential Issues / Problems

Bob.C (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 16:36

Hello all...

Thanks to the positive comments on here I decided to go ahead and purchase the Lenoxx HT600 at the weekend and in general am happy with it. However, I have a couple of issues with it and was wondering whether they are unique to my player. Hope someone can advise...

When playing MP3 files the first couple of seconds are often cut off the track though if you rewind it will play them. This is on both VBR and CBR. This also seems to be the case for the first track on some audio CD`s.

JPEG images are displayed with NTSC style borders and so image ratio is slightly distorted.

When adjusting the individual speaker volumes in Dolby Pro-Logic, the rear speakers do not seem to retain settings when you move through the menu to the next speaker. It would seem that although it allows you to adjust the vol. seperately, they default back to the setting of the louder of the two (does the above make any sense?!?!). This is not the case in DD or DTS though. It would be handy to have seperate volume control so as to compensate for uneven speaker positioning.

The built in tuner seems to need a strong signal to be of any use as often it seems to lock on to a signal, only to play buzz and hiss.

I would be interested to hear of other`s experiences.

I have put a similar post on and would recommend people post on there so that users may compare compatibility notes etc.

Thanks for any advice in advance.


Bob.C :)

P.S. Anyone thinking of purchasing one of these units should note that although it can be made multi region it does not support true 60hz NTSC refresh rate or Pal 60. Thus any foreign DVD`s played appear jittery as they are only using 50hz. Have double checked all the menu`s and there is definitely nowhere you can select the format. Just thought it would be of interest as I was dissapointed when I found out.

RE: Lenoxx HT600 - Potential Issues / Problems

daz1000 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd October 2003, 12:56

check out my problem on the remote control problem to!

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