Page 1 of PIONEER DV-535 Anologue sound quality

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PIONEER DV-535 Anologue sound quality

Pioneer Andy (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th February 2001, 21:16

Just bought this multiregion player and the picture is fantastic.

However the sound when hooked up via the stereo phono outs to my yam amp and TDL RTL3 bass heavy speakers is very poor.Plenty of detail but no bass weight and very two dimensional with a lack of dynamic headroom.All connections and output selections seem ok.

Anyone else think this and is it a coomon trait for the analogue outputs to be poor.Should mention that cd`s sound much more open and have plenty of bass weight. Could it be to do with the 5.1 soundtrack fed out in only stereo.

Finally apart from the obvious sound improvement from 5.1 when using the digital out can I expect better sound reproduction i.e. more dynamic,transparent sound and some bass or are the same characteristics of the player likely to come thoughor do the external amp dacs dictate the sound quality.

Any comments appreciated as im thinking of taking it back as my panasonic vhs sounds much better via the stereo phonos.


RE: PIONEER DV-535 Anologue sound quality

Pioneer Andy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th February 2001, 11:02

Anyone got any opinions on this.

May take it back today


RE: PIONEER DV-535 Anologue sound quality

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 09:24

It shouldn`t sound particularly bad. I`ve used the Pioneer throught the optical and co-axial connections to play stereo music CD`s and it sounded great. The analogue shouldn`t be that much worse.

Get another one and see how it compares, or use digital 8-)


DVD Reviewer

RE: PIONEER DV-535 Anologue sound quality

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 12:35

Andy, also think about the thread "Pioneer 535 advice required"

I had not considered the issue of interconnect quality. I was using a high quality interconnect - were you using the standard cheapy ?! It might be worth trying an upgrade to that and seeing if you find an improvement.


DVD Reviewer

RE: PIONEER DV-535 Anologue sound quality

Pioneer Andy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th February 2001, 15:03

Thanks for the comments Dan. I have tried various interconnects but the analogue sound on movies is still dissapointing. However as you say it sounds fine when playing cd`s.Perhaps I`m too picky.Anyway took it back to Sound and Vision who demonstrated it via its digital ouput and was very impressed so no complaints really as i will be using this connection.
Thanks again


P.S Can you recommend a Coaxial interconnect for upto £25 which offers a worthwhile improvement or do i need to spend more.

RE: PIONEER DV-535 Anologue sound quality

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Monday, 19th February 2001, 09:17

When it comes to value of interconnects, it depends on the quality of your speakers and amp really. Unless you have something very expensive, I wouldn`t think you`d need to spend more than £25 or £30 on a co-axial cable to get something which will sound good. Sound and Vision should be able to point you in the right direction. Just make sure you pick a reputable brand, as you have a better chance of getting good quality.

Alternatively, check out :

I`ve found their service to be good, and they are a bit cheaper if you`re on a budget.


DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Monday, 19th February 2001, 09:22

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