Page 1 of Cheap TV/VCR/DVD combo for out-laws

Hardware Forum

Cheap TV/VCR/DVD combo for out-laws

theclaretvillain (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th March 2004, 20:09

Thsi is not an offer to swap my mother and father-in-law for a TV/VCR?DVD unless the swap is good. :)

My in-laws want a new 21" TV/VCR/DVD combo. Do they exist - one of those horrible all in one jobs?
Anyone know of a good price and good quality?

RE: Cheap TV/VCR/DVD combo for out-laws

speedyman (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th March 2004, 23:26

Yes a cheaper Bush model here,

but this Samsung looks better,

Does it have to be a combo as some deals still left on skybuy website posted on the bargain buckets forum this is the link,,CLEARANCE,,,EA0441,,&searchText=&searchType=&pageNumber=1

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