Page 1 of SC2000 sparkles on left of screen on red (firmware 2.14+?)

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SC2000 sparkles on left of screen on red (firmware 2.14+?)

visionary (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2001, 01:17

I noticed something since I upgraded above 2.08 on the SCAN SC-2000, which is that when you have an orange or red area (including menus) that is on the far left hand side of the screen, you get flashes/sparkles of green/blue lines about an inch long (on a 21inch TV) into the picture from the left hand side.

I`ve seen this on two players now, and downgrading back to 2.08 takes the sparkles/flashes away. I was hoping that 2.23 would have cured this, but it hasn`t - this was the reason I wasn`t using 2.14.

Anyone else noticed this one, or can see it now mentioned? (Bear in mind it only happens when you`ve got a strong orange/red image or menu on the far left hand side of the screen.) Any idea how we raise a `bug` report to SCAN to make the manufacturers aware and fix it in a later release?

RE: SC2000 sparkles on left of screen on red (firmware 2.14+?)

NiVZ (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2001, 10:25

They already know about it. It`s fixed in newer firmwares (I tried v2.25), but there are still some problems in this version. I`ve downgraded to v2.23 for now and am awaiting news from Scan.


RE: SC2000 sparkles on left of screen on red (firmware 2.14+?)

xeno (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2001, 12:12

Any word of improving the picture and especially the background picture?
As the backgrounds move more than ever i think


up the irons!!!!!!!!!

RE: SC2000 sparkles on left of screen on red (firmware 2.14+?)

NiVZ (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2001, 14:49

I`ve heard that there is some Video Filter value that they can tweak in the firmware, but I`ve not notice too much difference in some versions. Then again, they claimed to have SVCD sorted out and that was a lie to.

It is getting better though. Versions above V2.23 have SVCD enabled and MP3`s dont skip the first 2 seconds. I`ve noticed a freezing problem when watching the Matrix above v2.23 and Nelley has informed TYT about it. The `cursor` (well I think it looks like one of those gfx mode cursors on old computers) which flashes at the left side of the screen is also supposed to be cleared up in newer versions.

More info tomorrow after I test v2.29 ;-) Fingers crossed.


RE: SC2000 sparkles on left of screen on red (firmware 2.14+?)

Warmonkey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2001, 21:23

Where are you all getting these versions above 2.23??? Are they official releases, and does this matter?

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