Page 1 of DMRE55 and Channel 5
Hardware Forum
Wonder if anyone can help with this question.
Currently running an analogue aerial via a Ysplitter into my sons bedroom and the main living room.
From my sons bedroom another y splitter takes the cable into a second bedroom - both rooms recieve channels 1 through 5 fine.
In the living room I have installed a signal booster, and feed the aerial via a skybox into a E55 - into the TV - Very poor C5 reception. However, if I run the aerial direct from the booster to the TV skipping skybox and Panasonic - Reception is acceptable with no retuning.
I also feed the sky via RF2 through a Y splitter into a second and 3rd TV downstairs with acceptable quality on C1 to 5 and sky, but again I am unable to tune either set into C5 via the aerial - which I guess suggest the skybox is causing the problem
Any suggestions? (Its bugging me!!!)
Also, would I notice a significant improvement in signal if I replaced the unscreened coax (with a join) running from the RF2 into Tvs with `proper` digital double screened variant. Cable run is approx 10m to TV2 and a further 3 m to TV3