Page 1 of New DVD player recommendation? *** Ignore

Hardware Forum

New DVD player recommendation? *** Ignore

Paul Steel (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th March 2005, 18:51


I bought a Dansai 1010 from Tesco some time back (oct 02) and whilst not used extensively is now out of warranty and playing up.

I had it hacked for multi region as I create my own NTSC dvds.

I`m looking for recommendations for something similiar at about the same price or cheaper if possible. I seem to remember that it cost £79.99, but I`m sure there are better ones now at a lower price. It is really not used that much, so I do not want to spend any more than necessary.


This item was edited on Thursday, 31st March 2005, 22:39

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