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If I cancelled SKY is it easy to go back?

VeronicaElectronica (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th May 2005, 22:33

if i cancelled my sky sub, and if i wanted to return after a few months, can i do that easily?

RE: If I cancelled SKY is it easy to go back?

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th May 2005, 22:51

I would assume so, as long as your 12 month contract has ended.


RE: If I cancelled SKY is it easy to go back?

VeronicaElectronica (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th May 2005, 23:33

yes 12 month contract ended ages ago, thanks for reply :)

RE: If I cancelled SKY is it easy to go back?

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 01:00

I think they have some kind of `reconnection fee` though (20 quid, I think) and you will be subject to a new minimum 12 month contract which will also mean you having to have your phone line plugged into the box.

If you need to do this due to a house move, then they are normally pretty flexible though-A mate of mine moved out of one house and had to go into rented accomodation for 3 months until his new house was completed-they just suspended his subscription for that period

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