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someone recommend me a new DVD player!

venom (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th July 2001, 22:31

My Mico DVD player just broke and I can’t get it repaired! Someone recommend another player to me. Needs to play VCD/CDR/CDRW, multiregion, play RCE discs and preferably have macrovision disabled. Ta!

RE: someone recommend me a new DVD player!

DR.DOOM (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th July 2001, 19:11

how is it broke? dont u look after it? i hope not all dvd players are cack

say read the post i did other day about the player i got


erm no


RE: someone recommend me a new DVD player!

HappyExHitachi505Owner ;-) (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 28th July 2001, 01:46

Hi venom. Is it not under guarantee?

Let me know what symptons the Mico has, and I will attempt to diagnose the fault if I can.

I was going to open my 980S up for some test voltages. Perhaps we can fault find?

Is it a 980 or 980S first? The 980 can (reportedly) erase the FLASH memory in some circumstances.

RE: someone recommend me a new DVD player!

KingAndy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th July 2001, 04:58

lazy bum venom. how about getting off your lard arse and using them things called feet!!!!

RE: someone recommend me a new DVD player!

venom (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 29th July 2001, 08:26

It`s the 980, had it for more than a year so no warranty. I did take it to a repair shop who said it was "a very complicated electrical fault", in other words, they don`t know what is wrong with it.

I have a white dashed line about a third of the way down the screen - like a tear here line! It`s not the discs because the line is there before we put the disc in.

If we can get this repaired great but still going to buy another one as well so we can have one in the bedroom too! Have decided on a Panasonic RV71. Is that good?

RE: someone recommend me a new DVD player!

HappyExHitachi505Owner ;-) (Competent) posted this on Monday, 30th July 2001, 22:39


Oops! Sorry for getting your hopes up but I think you need more answers than I could possibly get from simple voltage tests.
I think your repair shop should have tested for pulses on the smps supply rails.
Perhaps the video memory inside the ZiVA chips is damaged. No hope if it is, as you cant buy them outside China.
Does the dotted line look like part of the picture? How many dashed lines? How long are the lines?

Email me here if you`d like to chat: riaperocim[at]ku.oc.oohay

Cant see myself solving your problem though :-(

Even if youre just outside the one year guarantee limit, you may be able to persue it in a small claims court as unreasonable.

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