Page 1 of What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

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What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

Neil aka Neiliboy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th October 2001, 12:50

Yo peeps,
Until now i was seriously considering buying either the Sony Ns300 or Tosh SD210, but now i`ve just seen the Pioneer DV444 Which looks seriously PHAT!!!! Although ive not got round to readin any reviews of it I`m willing to spend an extra £30 on this machine depending on the reports you guys give me. Actually i think i might just buy it on looks alone..... anyway i saw it at I would also like to know if anyone has dealt with this company.......

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th October 2001, 12:51

RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

Ant-dvds (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th October 2001, 16:33

Hi Garage.

It is a great looking player isn`t it.

I bought the Toshiba 210e and found the picture quality, sound etc superb but as was reported in whathifi I also found it did have a noisy drive which i personally found too much to live with, as I could clearly hear the drive whilst in play mode.

I have now sadly got rid of this player and as you can imagine I am urgently looking for a new one!!.

This weekend I went out scouting around and came across the pioneer444 and thought it looked superb. The only review i could find for it was in homecinemachoice mag which gave it 5/5 for picture so i have decided i am going to go for this as my replacement to the tosh210.

I will be buying it this week so i will let you know what i think in comparison to the tosh.

As for multiregionmagic they seem quite popular not used them myself so cannot really comment too much.

ps. the interesting thing i noticed about the pionner444 is that it doesnt have to be chipped in the usual fashion. To make this player Multiregion AND MACROVISION FREE they simply plug a laptop into the player (lid never comes off) and upgrade the firmware, which i presonally like the idea of, over the option of them soldering a new chip in :)

RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

Neil aka Neiliboy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th October 2001, 21:09

Thats wicked Ant cheers, make sure you keep me posted man! I saw a picture of it in an advert in What hi fi and thought it look like a seriously sexy machine- you must have seen it, its on top of an amp with a plasma screen in the background. Yeah baby!!!! Anyway i dont know where you will get yours from but i found pretty cheap but it was £191 before VAT il let you work out the full price. Actually i`d be quite interested 2 know where you get yours from also...... cheers mate

RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

Rish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th October 2001, 23:21

Hi I bought mine from - superb service (came next day), and I`m very happy with the player - particularly impressed with the mp3 playback! They were slightly more then techtronics, but it was worth it, as I read a couple of problems with techtronics in these posts! Only negative about this player is no component out.


RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

esolomon (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th October 2001, 23:54

Yes, I was faced with the same choice: either a Toshiba SD-210E or a Pioneer DV-444. It happened when I decided to call DVD Magic ( to order a Toshiba. But the salesperson told me that everyone who came into the store to buy a Toshiba ended up with a Pioneer DV-444 as they always preferred it. Let`s face it, the only real differences between the two are the fact that the Toshiba supports component video output and the Pioneer supports PAL-60. Otherwise, they`re almost identical.

No question about it, though. I am delighted with the Pioneer. I`ve had a Pioneer before and would definitely buy another. Incidentally, the older Pioneers (and some of the newer ones, too, by the sound of it) have exhibited signs of lip-sync trouble. I tried "Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels" in the DV-444, a disk that caused untold problems previously, and the new Pioneer blazed right through it!

RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

Neil aka Neiliboy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th October 2001, 14:49

mmm...... i think im swaying towards gettin one pretty sharpish.....

RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

nolimit (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th October 2001, 16:12

Hi I recently bought a pioneer 444 multiregion about a week ago and am very very pleased with it, its looks great, has good picture & sound, plenty of features and outputs too. I also toyed with the idea of a tosh but am glad i chose the pioneer. Was told in the shop when i bought it that there was originally a lipsync problem with the earlier pioneers but that it had been resolved.

RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

vict0r (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th October 2001, 08:50

I too toyed with the option of the Tosh, but when i went to order it, it was out of stock, so i went for the Pioneer. I ordered mine from I found the guy there (Nash, i think his name was) was a great help. I bought two of these players and am glad i went for the pioneer, mp3 player back is great, i have had no problems. Ordered on the Friday, delivered 8 am Monday morning. I think the pioneer may be dropping in price by about a tenner, soon.

RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

Neil aka Neiliboy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th October 2001, 22:04


RE: What is pioneer 444 like compared to ns300 &Sd210????

frost (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 13th October 2001, 11:02

"simply plug a laptop into the player "
tell us more please, how does this hack work ? where can we find more info ??

tnhkz ant

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