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Starting out - what to buy?

wonkdonk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 06:48

I`m starting from scratch, so i need a tv, dvd/dvd&amp and surround speaker package.

I`m looking to spend up to £2000 for the lot.

Does anyone have any suggestions. I quite like the look of the Sony DAV S800. I don`t just want to be paying for the name though!

Thanks, Adrian

RE: Starting out - what to buy?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 08:38

Did you see Westy`s comments about the Sony in a thread recently - he thought it was a good `un. Don`t know whether it`s available multiregion - I have a feeling that I read/heard that recent Sonys have been hackable (but don`t take my word for it).

RE: Starting out - what to buy?

Grave Maurice (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 09:08

do NOT buy a scan sc2000

RE: Starting out - what to buy?

miked2372 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 10:28

I had a recent demo of the Sony at a Sony shop and the noise coming out of the thing was phenomenal. So much so that I am getting one delivered today!!! Mine is pure region2 but they are available multi-region over the web!!!
Ordered mine from unbeatable on Monday and is getting delivered today (good turnarond) and a good price aswell (about£635)
I`ll give you a better review tomorrow!!!!
I`m not a major movie buff so only bought the R2 version but I also wanted it for the CD/SACD/Radio capability do that it could take the place of the seperates in my lounge!!!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 11:25

RE: Starting out - what to buy?

wonkdonk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 06:33

Thanks for the advice.

I checked out Westys post re:s800 - so that`s one decision made. Makes it much easier than trying to find all the bits individually. Not sure of the best place to get a region-free one - I`ll have to check the Retailers Reviews forum.

Next up - the TV. Love the look of the Sony KV32FQ75 - the picture looks great too - but hate the price - anyone got any other suggestions?



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