Page 1 of Toshiba - 37C3030D or Samsung - LE37R88BD????

Hardware Forum

Toshiba - 37C3030D or Samsung - LE37R88BD????

Jibba (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 1st April 2007, 20:19

This is a nightmare - I only started looking for a new TV for my PS3 last week and its taken over my life!! I think I have narrowed my search down to the following 37" LCD TV`s.....

Toshiba - 37C3030D or Samsung - LE37R88BD

Neither are 1080P - and Im still thinking should I go 1080P to avoid regrets but at 37" i gather the difference is not really noticable - is this right? Also does anyone know which version of HDMI the Tosh uses ~ is it v1.3?

The new LCD will be used mostly for normal Sky+ - is the picture going to suffer badly compared to my exisiting CRT?

Thanks all


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