Not sure if anyone using a widescreen TV actually uses this but out of interest how many people use "smart" mode or similar on their tellies?
Has anyone who does use this mode tried it on the 4.3 test on the THX discs? Be interested in what people think of how well their TV`s "stretch" the circle! I have heard some people say that these "stretch" modes keep the image @ centre intact & then gradually stretch ONLY the sides!
Not sure if anyone can verify this but I have tried this on a number of TV`s (various makes) & NOT ONE keeps the circle AS a circle,I tell a lie the JVC one did NEARLY produce a circle............but chopped so much off top & bottom that u couldn`t see the horizontal lines at all! All these modes seem to do is enlarge the image slightly & then stretch..............not very "smart" at all eh? Any opinions?