Page 1 of Desparately seeking....Wharfedale 750S at Scottish Tesco Store

Hardware Forum

Desparately seeking....Wharfedale 750S at Scottish Tesco Store

yee_har (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th November 2000, 20:41


I`m based in Perth but so far can only find the 750 or "Sold Out, no idea if we`ll be geting more in"

I know I could buy on-line but would prefer to pick up tomorrow.


RE: Desparately seeking....Wharfedale 750S at Scottish Tesco Store

yee_har (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th November 2000, 15:58


Spoken to 14 stores today and they either don`t stock it or have the 750.

Tesco`s Customer Service Line (Sunday 9-5) is shut as well.

RE: Desparately seeking....Wharfedale 750S at Scottish Tesco Store

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Monday, 13th November 2000, 21:12

got to

RE: Desparately seeking....Wharfedale 750S at Scottish Tesco Store

pöb (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th November 2000, 23:26


Sure I saw loads in the Irvine Superstore (Ayrshire) on Sunday,
would phone them first to confirm.


Read at another site that the 750 can play MP3 , MPX (karaoke)
formats and disable macrovision, can anybody confirm the 750s can do the same.


RE: Desparately seeking....Wharfedale 750S at Scottish Tesco Store

yee_har (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th November 2000, 18:48

Yeah, I know about buying on-line....but I wanted to get it a.s.a.p. if possible.

No luck at Irvine (all are the non-S model) but thanks anyway.

The 750S def. plays MP3s

Tesco`s customer service (in this case at least) stank.

Customer Service Line (Sunday 9-5) - shut all Sunday p.m.

Rang yesterday, first thing. They take all my details, understand I want a 750S and promise to ring around and get back to me.
What about the Service Line yesterday? "Oh, that`s only for on-line sales assistance on Sunday" (Bo11ocks!)

They don`t ring me back so I call again today (they`re actually based up the road in Dundee).
Different person who says my details "aren`t held anywhere on the system" (argh!); clearly isn`t prepared to ring around to try and locate one, virtually denies the existance of the 750S model and demands that I tell her what the differences are!
Why? She wants one (any model) for her daughter!
Here`s the killer - I end up telling her the Perth store has them in stock and explaining the 5 variants and basic differences between the two players!
Glad I could be of assistance Tesco!

/me ordering on-line.....

Gee - this better be good!

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