Page 1 of Scan Sc-2500
Hardware Forum
I have just got a Scan SC-2500 DVD player.
No problems (yet), and it seems to do the job well.
However, the Scan website states that the player is Multi-Regional, yet the player has a region 2 logo on the rear panel.
Can anyone confirm whether this player is capable of playing multiregion disc already, or is it set to region 2, and I will need to use a region hack to change it?
If I do need to use a hack, can anyone let me know of a reliable one which works. I would like to play region 1 discs as well as region 2 without having to hack each time I change discs, therefore if I could bypass the coding altogether that would be great!
I have also seen a number of threads regarding problems with the remote buttons (zoom function). The replys seemed to say that new firmware was available to correct this.
Does anyone know where I can get this from?
Thanks in advance for any responses!
Region change is simple.
Open the disk tray.Type in the number 0106 and then the required region.
So r1 wouild be 0106 and then press 1.The words OK shouild appear on
the screen.For autodetecting set to region 0.For RCE disks you will need to change it manually.If your remote behaves erattically ie sticks in a partcular function emai me on yellen[at]ku.oc.nacs for the update.Zoom function is bieng worked on but not many people use it so it couild take
time to sort out.
Does this mean that the problem with the remotes has been sorted ? ie. if I bought one now there would be no problem with the handset
The update worked fine for me... and oh. For some reason my Sc2500 doesn`t need any code to play other region DVDs. Very strange.