Page 1 of grundig gvd620ht home cinema advice please

Hardware Forum

grundig gvd620ht home cinema advice please

pointy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 17th March 2002, 10:02

anyone got this system, whats it like i am thinking of getting my brother it for his 40th as his first venture into HC.

also wheres the cheapest on line.Ive seen it in dixons for £199 but i dint want to buy it off them as i have had poor service in the past

any help would be great


RE: grundig gvd620ht home cinema advice please

george kennedy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 15:29

I have this system and it`s pretty good, the only thing that I am unhappy with is when playing TV sound through it, only the front 2 speakers emit sound, so it is home cinema for DVD playback only :(

If anyone knows how this can be overcome I would be grateful

RE: grundig gvd620ht home cinema advice please

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 18:09

this product is sold under various brand names!

Comet sell it under the Goodmans name at £169.99

RE: grundig gvd620ht home cinema advice please

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 18:10

I think the grundig version is exclusive to currys and dixons

RE: grundig gvd620ht home cinema advice please

AlexMclean (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th September 2002, 22:40

I bought one of these dvd kits from curries. After a while it started to skip while playing music cd’s. This got worse and worse. I took it back and they did two repair jobs, firstly fixing some soldering and then replacing the laser assembly. The problem soon returned, and I got a brand new kit. The problem is currently returning again. This suggests a design problem, and I am currently planning to get a refund for it.

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