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Sky Digibox Problems

Dolby Freak (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd April 2002, 17:08

The problems i`ve been experiencing have been happening for about the past month or so. The problems.....

1) Every now and then the Digibox makes a clicking noise and the picture goes off and on frequently, also when wathing terrestrial TV it will, out of the blue, just change to Sky.

2) Quite often it will go to Sky Guide and say "Searching For Listings", it does this about three times per day.

3) It sometimes says, when flicking through channels "No Satellite Signal Is Being Received".

4) When i save a programme to the "Personal Planner" and the banner comes up before the programme is about to start, the banner will not go away even when pressing "backup" frequently, the only way it goes away is if i reset the Digibox 3 or 4 times.

I have a Grundig Digibox..

Any Ideas?...


RE: Sky Digibox Problems

Groomoid (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd April 2002, 23:22


I know this doesnt help but I have been having virtually identical problems for about the last 6 months. I have a panasonic digibox which is nearly 3 years old now.

In addition to your problems mine also freezes on one channel that I am watching and for about 2 secs the remote buttons have no effect then suddenly it will change channel - usually to one that I have been watching regularly over a period of days eg I will be on sky one and after pressing the down channel button it will change to sky news....

I usually do a reset at the mains and its okay for a couple of weeks..

I have a feeling its probably to do with the age of my digibox, but I aint replacing it yet so I put up with it.

Maybe someone with techie knowledge has the answer.....just thought I would add to your there are at least 2 of us with the same problem!!!!!

RE: Sky Digibox Problems

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 16:45

I`ve got a 9 month old Pace box and it does all of the things you have both mentioned, to varying degrees.
Motto seems to be that it`s a SKY problem rather than a box problem.
I`ve moaned to SKY repeatedly, but they keep telling me to go back to the installer. I did this, and they loaned me another box whilst mine was sent off to Pace.
The loan box did the same thing, and when I got my own one back it wasn`t any better. It did change channel faster as Pace upgraded the software on it, which was nice...
Only bit of ` advice ` I can give is that, apparently, if you get stroppy with them and threaten to reduce/remove your subscription it`s rumoured they will send engineers out free of charge rather than lose your business.

RE: Sky Digibox Problems

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 17:23

The Pace box you had would have been one of the new ones with a better processor in. The software won`t make it faster. Panasonics over the last 2 years are even better. If the problem is not the box (& it could be, as they all had to be made to Sky spec at first, & do now to a degree)
the only two other things that could cause it are the LNB or cable. My bet would be the LNB, maybe the voltage is alternating as it switch`s between the two frequencies. (this could also be caused by the box). Do `WHAT SATELLITE` have a forum. PS. Do any of you have friends with sky you can try your receivers on.

RE: Sky Digibox Problems

AWJ72 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 18:18

2) Quite often it will go to Sky Guide and say "Searching For Listings",

3) It sometimes says, when flicking through channels "No Satellite Signal Is Being Received".

my god, someone else having the exact same problems as me!!!!!! just putting up with it as I`m buggered if I`m going to pay a £50 call out!!

RE: Sky Digibox Problems

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 18:33

If you do try your receivers on your friends systems MAKE SURE you turn the digibox OFF before you undo the cable from the dish.

RE: Sky Digibox Problems

Dolby Freak (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 20:58

Thanks for all your replies...

I also rang Sky, twice infact and they just told me to try the old "reset the Digibox and everything will be fine" crap. The people on the other end of the phone don`t have a clue, infact they agree with what you say could be wrong with it, sarcastically. Eventually they told me it would require an engineer to be called out, £60 + Labour, I told them no, I simply can`t afford it. The customer service at Sky is appalling, I pay almost £40 a month for an absolutely rubbish DTV service.


RE: Sky Digibox Problems

lincoln sternn (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th April 2002, 00:18

i have a grundig box and it does exactly the same things
you have mentioned only mine goes to tv guide if you touch the top of the box how wierd is that i have got a five year cover on mine which cost £100 pounds it has already paid for itself with nearly four years left to run so it is worth thinking about that what with the p*** poor quality of all digiboxes
my friend has a panasonic box that you cant get a picture on unless you half unscreew the aerial cable!!
surely that aint right is it

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