Page 1 of Is it possible to get surround sound for my Digibox and video, through my DVD 5.1 system??

Hardware Forum

Is it possible to get surround sound for my Digibox and video, through my DVD 5.1 system??

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th April 2002, 15:03

Hi - I`ll try and explain..... I`ve just bought the Venturer DVD 5.1 Home Cinema system (I haven`t connected it yet). I was just wondering if there is a way to set it up so I can have surround sound for my TV, video and Digibox aswell (Pro-Logic, 5.1 - what`s it all mean?!).

I`ve read somewhere that it is possible, but exactly how? I`m REALLY new to this, so any REALLY simple instructions would be great! (what goes where etc....).

Please help - or Hulk will......get very upset and cr.......erm......I mean .....SMASH!!

This item was edited on Monday, 15th April 2002, 15:04

RE: Is it possible to get surround sound for my Digibox and video, through my DVD 5.1 system??

David Bell (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th April 2002, 16:42

Providing your TV/Video/Digi box all have the right out-puts, such as stereo phono, and that your surround system has the appropriate in-puts, then yes, you should be able to do this. But be aware that through any of these items, the sound will revert to Dolby Pro-Logic, and not Dolby Digital.

Good luck, and I hope you have many happy hours pulling your hair out as you tussle with all that spagretty.


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