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Linking my PC to my TV.

Craven (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 13:23

I don`t have much knowledge about PC hardware so I thought I`d ask on here seeing as its relevant to playing dvds.
My father just bought a new pc with a G4MX420 graphics card with tv-out, he asked me to connect it to his tv so he could work on his computer (in another room) and still have a film playing through his tv on fullscreen. Well ive tried setting it all up, used an s-video cable and got a picture going through the tv etc. only we have a few problems, the tv doesnt put out any sound, why? When i connect my dvd player via s-video it always puts out sound. And also I dont appear to be able to run mediaplayer in full screen on the tv and also use applications on the computer as everytime he presses the start menu or anyother function it switches fullscreen off and leaves small visable area.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Linking my PC to my TV.

GSM (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 14:05


Sounds like youve got a few issues with the set up so one at a time ....

1) Computers do EXACTLY as they say ie Video out is "Video out" not "sound and video out". Its signal is coming from a video card not a sound card - hence no sound.

2) Full screen - well TVs are alot lowever resolution than monitors - Try droping the resolution of your monitor/vidoe card and then try again - it should be ok - also watch the frequencies.

3) You dont mention the manufacturer of the card but as far as im aware there are no MX420`s with Dual display. Although the gfx card has a video out it can only do one thing at once. You need to buy a DUAL head card - Typically matrox but other do them now aswell.

Hope this explains it a bit clearer.

As for solutions - probably by a cheap DVD player for £90 ish ! will be better quality and less hassle



RE: Linking my PC to my TV.

Craven (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 16:33

Thanks for that, my dad is pretty mad now lol. I figured most of the stuff out but he doesn`t always believe me unless someone else says it`s true. lol I have a DVD player and i`ve told him many times to get one himself guess he`ll have to free the moths from his wallet now lol. Anyone got any recoomendations for a player that can handle vcds written on cdrs and is easy to make region free.
Thanks Again

RE: Linking my PC to my TV.

GSM (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 19:35

People on here seem to rate the "Supermarket" brands Micro etc - I dont like them personally and am looking around at the minute.

I brought a Toshiba SD220 which got rave reviews however due to complication with the first batches there was a bug in the hardware so i had to take it back. The new SD220`s are shipping with new firware to solve the old problem which only seemed to occur when watching the matrix. It was otherwise a great player - great for music which cannot be said for most dvd player especially the supermarket ones.

And at £145 inc for a multiregion version there a bit of a bargain - they play VCDs, DVD-R`s and mp3 cds + all the usuall stuff - think i might buy another one......

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