Page 1 of internet issues, please advise!

PCs & Mobiles Forum

internet issues, please advise!

penzance (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 10:19

for some reason it takes a lot longer to connect than usual and my internect connection disconnects after a certain amount of time even though i have unchecked the disconnect option in advanced options?

ISP: Pipex broadband
ps: would kazaa lite ++ downloads be causing this?


RE: internet issues, please advise!

dnick (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 14:58

kazaa takes a lot of bandwidth, so if you are running it in the back ground, expect the internet to go at dial up speed.

try an internet speed test like mcadee with kazaa running and with it not.

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