Page 1 of Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

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Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

AdamR (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 10:03

I don`t know about the rest of you, but pop unders really, Really, REALLY irritate me. Does anyone know of any software program that will obliterate these little blighters??

Or do we just have to tolerate them?

RE: Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

Magic_ians (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 11:19

What is a Pop Under ? :/

Not a real Magician
BUT A DVD FAN (My DVD Collection)

RE: Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

AdamR (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 11:48

A pop-under is an advert that appears on/in the same web browser window as the one you are looking at. This is different to a pop-up which is an advert which opens in a separate window.

RE: Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 11:49

So a banner ad?


RE: Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 12:16

A `pop-under` is an ad which appears in a separate browser window, but underneath the currently active window, so that you see it when you close the existing window.

What I think eye2eye is referring to are those animated ads (presumably Flash-based?) which appear on top of the web page you`re currently viewing. Not in a banner, not in a separate window, but literally on top of the text and graphics of the web page itself. Bloody annoying (not to mention insulting).

It`s somewhat perverse that the most lucrative ads are also the most infuriating to web users. To be honest, I think it`ll end up like the goose that laid the golden egg, and will simply fuel demand for software that blocks these ads.


RE: Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

Magic_ians (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 13:41

I dont think ive ever seeing 1 8)

Not a real Magician
BUT A DVD FAN (My DVD Collection)

RE: Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

AdamR (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 23rd November 2003, 11:33

What I think eye2eye is referring to are those animated ads (presumably Flash-based?) which appear on top of the web page you`re currently viewing. Not in a banner, not in a separate window, but literally on top of the text and graphics of the web page itself. Bloody annoying (not to mention insulting).

They`re the ones that I meant. Those annoying animated ads that slow my 5 year old computer down and irritate that pants of me. Can they be stopped???

RE: Pop Unders - how can I stop them??

dnick (Competent) posted this on Monday, 1st December 2003, 23:42

pop up stopper works for stopping most types of pop up`s/unders whatever. a search for panicwear should bring up the company, or search it`s free.

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