Page 1 of Binary Newsgroup advice required...Blueyonder now useless...

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Binary Newsgroup advice required...Blueyonder now useless...

misterpol (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th December 2003, 14:52

For the last week or so the blueyonder newsgroup servers have turned really crap. I use them for downloading, ahem, large files from binary newsgroups, but recently there are so many incomplete posts that they are practically useless. I`m not sure if this a temporary problem but I am seriously considering paying for access to a subscription newsgroup (usenet?)

Does anyone have any recomendations for good providers of binary newsgroups? Are they all american? are there any european ones?

cheers in advance

RE: Binary Newsgroup advice required...Blueyonder now useless...

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 16th December 2003, 17:45

The newsgroup servers on Blueyonder regularly get bunged up and slow down to a crawl because of the huge numbers of spammers signed up to the broadband service (and the fact they`re too cheap to buy decent servers). Earlier this year Blueyonder had to put filters in place because so many of its subscribers were being reported for abuse.

Try posting something like this over on the Digital Spy`s Broadband forum and see how many Telewest managers flame you ;)

J Mark Oates

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