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Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

richardbradley66 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 28th March 2005, 17:04

I have a Samsung D500 and have the easystudio which allows me download files. However i tried to upload a cd of my own to the pc, put it in "my documents" and then added it to my other files. Problem is, its showing in there as a "windows media file" and i need it to show as "MP3". How do i change the file to MP3 so i can download to my phone?


RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th March 2005, 17:42

Have you actually tried to upload it to your phone? Most media formats are displayed by the default player title.

for example, I use winamp to play my MP3s and they are displayed in My Documents as a `Winamp Media File`. If Windows Media Player is your Default player they will appear as Windows Media Files and so on.

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RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

kazanddan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th March 2005, 14:28

If you have the latest version of Windows Media Player, In the settings options you can set it to copy the CD in MP3 format

RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

richardbradley66 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th March 2005, 14:56

thanks guys, worked a treat, trouble is ive now got 2 files stuck in my "music " file on my D500 and it wont let me delete em !! Think i must have downloaded em as WAV files, but whatever ive done i cant get rid of em!! >:( Even overwriting em doesnt work so it looks like im stuck with those! (I may see if Samsung know how to do this but findin their number and gettin someone who knows what im talkin about is about as likely as finding rocking horse sh*t on the moon!
Thanks anyway guys, i got the stuff i do want even if im stuck with 2 files i dont want.

RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

kazanddan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th March 2005, 16:32

I Have a Sammy E800 and I can delete files using a Data Cable and Easy Studio....Have you tried to delete the files this way?

RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

richardbradley66 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th March 2005, 23:14

Ive got easy studio and a cable but dont know how to delete this way, can you help Kazanddan? Ive been in file manager but the files are always at the top and there is no option to delete? I cant even overwrite, am i doing something wrong ?

RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

kazanddan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 30th March 2005, 14:55


The D500 and E800 use different versions of ES... I am not familiar with the D500 version of it (or if it infact differs at all).

Is the file you want to delete actually in your music folder? or has it plonked itself elsewhere..If it is in the music folder, I can`t see why you can`t just choose options and delete..
If you don`t have too much on your phone you could try to reset it to factory settings

RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

richardbradley66 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th March 2005, 15:21

Yeah the file ive got is in my phone under music (MP3) and every time i try and delete it, it says "not available"., instead of the normal "deleted" :/ ? On my version of easy studio 2.0, i can get a list of the phone numbers i have, but i cant get a list of the music i have on there. It doesnt seem so anyway. It may be that i will have to restore the factory settings, cos it seems that i just cant delete, its soooooo frustrating.

Is there a way i can upload all my stuff from my phone, to easy studio, then, either delete the two bad files and download, or restore factory settings, then download everything i want and not the two files i dont ?

RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

kazanddan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 30th March 2005, 15:49

I`m not sure if you can move things from the phone to the PC or whether it just makes a copy of the file on the PC and remains on the phone, But either way if you make a copy of your phones files onto your PC then at least you have a back up because you will obviously lose everything on the phone when you restore the factory settings.

Easystudio is the worst software i have EVER used, When i connect my phone it goes thru the phonebook and text messages etc, BUT I cannot directly access my phone files without opening up File manager even tho they have the option of doing so in the tool bar

Try opening up the File manager...Click on phone, and select sounds, your MP3 files should show up in the window oposite.

RE: Downloading music from PC to mobile phone question?

richardbradley66 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th March 2005, 16:35

Yeah , they do appear opposite, but i cant delete from there, thats my prob.(Another strange thing is when i try and click on the file to play the music, it comes up with "Not supported content")
I agree, the software aint the best, still at east it aint takin up any memory, guess ill just have to put up with it. Thanks anyway tho, maybe when they update the software, all this will be easier, lets hope so anyway !!


This item was edited on Wednesday, 30th March 2005, 17:47

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