Page 1 of Best ISP for dial-up / PAYG email & internet access?

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Best ISP for dial-up / PAYG email & internet access?

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th April 2005, 13:31

Hi folks,

My Dad`s just bought a new PC and has asked me to set up his email. He`s not a very heavy user and is happy to go with a dial-up provider via a 56K modem. He has a hotmail email account which he uses with Outlook Express. At the moment he`s set up using Supanet, just to get up & running.

Which ISP would you recommend for reliable access and user-friendly support on the rare occasions he needs it? Is it worth changing, or is Supanet ok?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Best ISP for dial-up / PAYG email & internet access?

Ken Walker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th April 2005, 18:20

V21 "Extra Lite" dialup at £5 per month is extremely good value. This gives you 15 hours per week with 1 email address. Been with them for 2 months now and no problems whatsoever. The Extra Lite info on their site is tucked away at the bottom of their dialup services page.

Link to info is-

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