Page 1 of you tube videos
PCs & Mobiles Forum
Can you save videos that are shown on you tube so that they can be put on a phone. If so how.
use firefox and then the videodownlaoder extension to get them on your pc as a flv file.
then videodownlaoder`s page has tips on converting
hope that helps a bit, never doen it myself, but should prod you in right direction!
Good one admars, had wondered about something like this. Will give it a go.
Thank you will give it a go
RE: you tube videos
pretty sure the videodownloader extension now can save the file as an AVI. However it won`t load into WMP because its a different codec. Works fine in VLC though.
Sorry guys still not getting it :/ , how can I do it using Internet Explorer.
how can I do it using Internet Explorer.
Why would you want to? ;)
Get Firefox. :)
Just to say thank you all it has worked out fine
youripper works if you just put in the address of the video you wish to rip and is independant of browser
use firefox and then the videodownlaoder extension to get them on your pc as a flv file.
I went on the site and sent off for firefox but got a f***ing Clint Eastwood film instead...! >:(