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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Can`t delete a folder

GyneBob (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2007, 14:14

has anyone come across this problem, it`s minor (i think) but damned annoying,
i created a folder on my desktop ages ago, to store torrent links etc, decided yesterday to delete it, won`t let me tho >:(
comes up with the following message....
cannot delete CAAVAZQT.: Cannot find the specified file

any ideas ??

Thanks :/

RE: Can`t delete a folder

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2007, 14:46

Run a command prompt and try via that.

Assuming you`re using Windows XP...

Press the "Start" button, then select "Run"
In the window that appears type "cmd" and press OK
In the resulting black DOS window, it should say something like "C:\Documents and settings\{username}\"

cd Desktop (then press enter)
del /F CAAVAZQT (then press enter)

Might work!

RE: Can`t delete a folder

GyneBob (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2007, 16:26

thanks for your response, tried it and no luck :/

looks like i`m just gonna have to live with it

Cheers anyway :)

RE: Can`t delete a folder

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2007, 16:42

Microsoft Process Explorer lets you find out and end the processes that are using it and preventing it from deleting. Might work in your case, and it`s free so it`s worth a shot.

-- ::

RE: Can`t delete a folder

bytemaster (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2007, 16:52

Might be worth trying Unlocker.

RE: Can`t delete a folder

GyneBob (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2007, 17:56

Thanks all :)

gonna have to give it a go in the morning, will let you know how it goes

Thanks again :)

RE: Can`t delete a folder

GyneBob (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th March 2007, 09:33

Might be worth trying Unlocker.

worked a treat, can`t believe how easily it ditched the folder, thanks for that :)

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