Page 1 of 4X5 Kodachromes
Photography Forum
Found this link on another forum I`m on. Some stunning photographs.
some stunning photography...
isnt it amazing how beautiful some of those ladies are in their 1940`s styling, some of todays young ladies (in the loosest possible terms) could take lessons in glamour instead of showing all their underwear (if wearing any) and leaving nothing to the imagination!
Aye, some great shots there. I always admire someone who shoots what is essentially a very industrial subject, but somehow instills it with that level or art. That`s before you consider they shot on film and had very little room for mistakes.
My Flickr Photostream
Not wanting to seem pendantic, but I understood that Kodachrome was only ever produced in 35mm. size, due to difficulties in handling larger formats on the complex developing lines Kodak used (it has never been possible to develop Kodachrome yourself)?
Really? I`m sure I`ve used 5x4" Kodachrome in the past.
Great photos btw. They may have seemed quite mundane at the time, but once you sprinkle on 60 yrs of `time fairydust` they become much more interesting.
I stand corrected:
(although my previous information came from a usually reliable source).