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Retailer Reviews Forum

Dvd Price comparison sites

MrTombs (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 09:59

Does anyone have any recommendations for comparing prices on Dvd`s. I have used a couple but the results seem pretty limited.

RE: Dvd Price comparison sites

tuc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 10:16

hi mate,
the best dvd price comparison site has got to be it does region 1 to 4, just click on one particular region or all of them if you so wish.
its an excellent site in that the prices including postage are all converted into sterling, it also puts the prices in the order of cheapest first, most expensive last! most of the time i find that dvds from aussie are usually a lot cheaper than you can get them from england! and thats with the postage! aussie being region4 (pal) is the same as england region 2 (pal).
anyway hope this info was of some use, let me know how you get on .


RE: Dvd Price comparison sites

PREECY (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 10:34


RE: Dvd Price comparison sites

Telboy10 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 10:47

I concur Paul`s comments, I use all the time and I am very happy with the results.


RE: Dvd Price comparison sites

MrTombs (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th September 2002, 08:22

Thanks for all the advice.I have found the pricecheck useful although sometimes the price advertised isn`t what I find when I get there

RE: Dvd Price comparison sites

phlogiston (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th September 2002, 22:27

That happyhunter site looks brilliant. Makes price checker look a bit geriatric.
Thanks for the tip.

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