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Retailer Reviews Forum

Halifax Switch

Verlaine (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th February 2003, 10:49

Does anyone else have constant problems when using their Halifax issued Switch card with Play. Everytime I order my card is declined. I`m now experiencing problems with CD-WOW as well - I can`t even put the bloody order through. Please dont tell me its just me. Should I just accept defeat, close the account and change banks?

RE: Halifax Switch

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th February 2003, 11:44

You are not alone Verlaine, happens all the time to me. Lately try to book a car with EasyCar and would not take it (pain as if I use my credit card and get charged an extra £3). Called Halifax and they could not come with an answer.

RE: Halifax Switch

RoyB (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 10th February 2003, 11:40

Just to enlighten you fella`s that ive had no problem using my Halifax Switch over the phone/net/counter, so i`m not sure if its yours cards or the fact that u have `insufficient funds`

RE: Halifax Switch

Verlaine (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 10th February 2003, 18:44

I`ve been in touch with Play and they have said that they still have a problem with Halifax cards (when I said I had a problem with my card he asked immediately if it was a Halifax card - so they know there is a problem). They advised me to place an order and simply phone up straight afterwards to put it through.

RE: Halifax Switch

LOG (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th February 2003, 00:08

Got my Switch and found problems with Play and Amazon I knew it was not the funds cause I droped £150.00 in a couple of days before.

So I thought about it and I checked the date on my computer it was set to 2005 put it right then they both took my orders no problems since.

Just check all your valid/expire dates and your computers date/time worked for me.


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